Copyright © McDermott & Hickey, LLC, 2025 | All rights reserved.
Mary and several friends were enjoying a night of boating on Lake Erie when the boat she was a passenger on struck a much larger boat that had no operating lights.
Mary was thrown through the bow sustaining numerous broken bones and other serious injuries.
She was fortunate to survive but faced several surgeries and months of rehabilitation.
Mary and her family turned to McDermott & Hickey for help. We launched a thorough investigation and retained the top maritime accident experts to build Mary’s case.
Result: After a long battle in Federal Court the case was resolved for policy limits.
Tony was referred to McDermott & Hickey, LLC, by his family attorney. He had just been diagnosed with Leukemia, specifically; Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow.
During his client interview, Tony described cleaning tools and engine parts in tubs of pure Benzene while working at the Conrail yards in Cleveland. Benzene is an organic chemical compound valued by the industry for its use as a solvent. It is also a deadly carcinogen known to cause various cancers such as AML. This was no secret to the railroad which had Tony working literally up to his elbows in pure benzene without any type of protection or warning.
Result: The attorneys at McDermott & Hickey, LLC, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Tony against his employer/railroad under the FELA. A substantial confidential settlement was reached for Tony prior to trial.
A couple of days following a late summer storm Laurie woke up and took the family dog for a walk. She took her normal route around the block and cut through a path through the bushes into her back yard.
Laurie had no idea that a downed power line was hidden in the foliage. She came in contact with the wire and was killed instantly.
Laurie didn’t know that there was a downed wire in her yard, but the Power Company did.
The family turned to the lawyers at McDermott & Hickey, LLC, for help.
We filed suit on behalf of Laurie’s family. After a hard-fought discovery battle, we learned that the downed line had been reported to the defendant power company days before Laurie was killed.
We hired the top experts in the field who reviewed the evidence including the actions and the negligent inaction by the defendant power company.
The experts concluded that the defendant was not responding to the most dangerous hazards such as the 7,000-volt downed line that killed Laurie.
Result: On the eve of trial the family accepted a multimillion-dollar settlement. They sincerely hoped the defendant power company would change its procedures so that no other family had to suffer such a loss.
Maggie was a middle-aged woman who lived alone on the third floor of a three-unit rental property.
She awoke one night choking on smoke from a fire that started in the unit below her.
She tried escaping out the door but the smoke was too thick.
The fire escape had been boarded over. She spent the last minutes of her life on the phone with a 911 operator begging for help.
By the time the firemen were able to reach her it was too late.
They found her lying on the bathroom floor dead from asphyxiation.
The family turned to McDermott & Hickey, LLC, for help. We demanded that the landlord’s insurer pay the policy limits to Maggie’s daughters.
The insurance company inexplicably refused. We filed suit and hired the top experts in the fire investigation field.
They determined the cause was electrical. The wiring of the rental unit was out of code.
Through discovery, we learned that for years the landlord had electrical work done without ever getting permits or inspections from the city.
Result:A confidential settlement was reached prior to trial.
Marie was an honor student driving back to her college on the east coast after Christmas break.
A truck she never saw sideswiped her car sending her crashing off the highway.
Marie suffered severe injuries and remained in a coma for several days.
The driver of the truck fled the scene leaving Marie unconscious and abandoned on a deserted highway.
Fortunately for Marie, a witness to the event stopped to help and alerted the Highway Patrol.
McDermott & Hickey, LLC, went to battle on behalf of Marie.
She had sustained among other injuries, traumatic brain injury (TMI) which severely affected her ability to think clearly and retain information. She would never be the same.
The trucking company hired experts who blamed Marie for the accident, refused to turn over key documents and fought Marie’s case every step of the way.
McDermott & Hickey, LLC, retained the top experts in the field who were able to prove that the truck driver was speeding and caused the accident.
They also fought hard to force the trucking company to turn over all the key documents and internal investigations they conducted.
Result: On the eve of trial, the trucking company agreed to pay Marie a confidential multimillion-dollar settlement.
Bobby was a young man traveling in a three-car caravan of workers traveling on business.
When one of the vehicles had engine problems the three cars all pulled over off the highway to offer assistance.
A speeding truck plowed into the back of the first vehicle setting off a chain reaction that knocked Bobby over the guardrail causing him injury.
The trucking company denied any liability and falsely claimed the first vehicle was partially on the highway.
McDermott & Hickey, LLC, retained top experts, including an accident re-constructionist to prove that the truck driver was at fault.
Result: Following a mediation a substantial confidential settlement was reached for Bobby.
We understand many of our clients have difficulty traveling to speak with a lawyer. We are happy to meet with you at your home or any setting that is convenient for you. Your consultation is free and there is no obligation. Call (877) 303-6379 to speak with an attorney today.